Our plants
We grow and supply a wide plant range for landscapes including, shrubs, perennials, ornamental grasses, ferns, climbers, hedging, field grown specimens and instant hedges.
With our extensive contacts throughout the UK and Europe we can source plant material from anywhere.
New plants
Over many years of industry experience and a keen eye for seeking out solutions to the challenges designers and landscape architects face we are always looking for the best plant selections for the industry to utilise.
Careful consideration and trails take place before a plant makes it through to become part of our standard production or a recommended variety.
The plant palette is changing rapidly with climatic, environmental and biosecurity threats amending species selection- by working with RTP you ensure the strongest and most robust new varieties for your schemes.

The RTP range of evergreen and deciduous shrubs adds vital colour and structure throughout the year whilst providing the framework of any great scheme.
Using the right materials is key to the quality and longevity of any project. Providing accurate and detailed specifications is the first step to defining project expectations. A landscape shrub should arrive on site with all the ingredients needed to initiate and maximise establishment and further growth. This means a fresh, bushy, robust plant with a well-formed structure from which will come new growth to create a full, well-structured shape.

When we think of ferns we think of moist woodland settings. While there are many ferns for shade from moist areas, to drier hillsides, many ferns can withstand full sun if enough moisture is available. The best specification for ferns is a 2 litre pot, or for a specimen size 5 litre pots.
This is because the root system needs to be able to develop into a dense healthy crown, too much pot space can result in water logging and rotting.

The RTP range of ornamental grasses brings the ‘Prairie’ into the urban landscape.
With widely varied forms ranging from strong vertical clumps with eye-catching plumes to dense ground hugging mounds, grasses are an exciting and valuable range of plants.
They bring life and movement, flowing gracefully in the slightest breeze and soften plantings with their fine foliage.
Grasses are generally low maintenance and have a long season of interest, many are evergreen with coloured foliage while deciduous varieties have great seed heads and structure through the winter months.

Perennials bring seasonal colour and interest to plantings. Many attract insects and butterflies and help create bio-diverse ecological environments.
When using perennials, it is important to consider the expectations of the immediate impact of a design and the time of year for installation. In an exposed environment, more delicate perennials may require a season’s growth in situ to minimise potential winter losses.

Instant Hedges
The RTP range of instant hedge troughs covers a range of evergreen and deciduous varieties with our own EcoHedge a key line.
EcoHedge is an instant Native Species Rich hedgerow planted up with 9 native woody species put together in our unique mix to enhance bio diversity.
All our produced in easy to handle trough bags, our standard production is around 1 metre in height but can be grown in varying heights depending on your requirements as part of an advance procurement.